Friday, August 1, 2008

monarch butterfly

We took both of these pictures at a park. When it's drinking nectar, its proboscis wobbles. The proboscis is like a tongue. It is like a straw for sucking the nectar out of the plant. I can tell this is a male because his veins are thin. Female's veins are bigger. If you look close enough on a male, you can see it has two dots, one on each lower wing.
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GrammyGramps said...

These are great pictures.

GrammyGramps said...

I love reading your blog.

Ms. Fiamingo said...

Jack: Thank you for sharing your chrysalides in class today! I know your classmates enjoyed learning about them and I did too!

Please keep us posted on the next phase of their development.

Keep up the great work!

Ms. Fiamingo