Saturday, April 25, 2009

Cecropia Caterpillar Hatchling and Eggs

this is a cecropia caterpillar. As you can see, it's not in its last instar. It's a hatchling. I got this from Bill Oehlke as an egg. He sent me about 20 eggs. I had refrigerated it (I wouldn't recommend this because if you forget a lot of stuff like me you could leave it in the refrigerator too long. If you wish to refrigerate, only do it for a week at most. I refrigerated it because the leaves weren't ready and I needed to wait a little longer). After I took them out of the refrigerator it took 9 days to hatch. This hatchling is 3 days old. It's starting to make frass (poop) - the two little black things below it. In the lower right, you can see that there are some bite marks on the leaf. This is a common lilac leaf. I have one in my backyard. The hatchlings are successfully eating. these eggs are considered large compared to other ones.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'm back! sorry I haven't been posting for the last 6 months. In march I'm going to get some new caterpillars. I ordered cecropia, polyphemus, luna, and promethea eggs. I will raise them in pie 0r cake tins. I"m going to put 12 caterpillar eggs in each. (which is just an excuse to have 4 cakes!).

In the picture this is a cecropia caterpillar in its 5th instar. (the last, not counting the pupal shed). This is not my hand - I got this image from I ordered my eggs from

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I have some monarch chrysalids now. This is my newest monarch chrysalis. If you open a moth cocoon (cocoons are what moths spin), you will find the skin it shed inside the cocoon. If you have a pre-pupa that spins a chrysalis, it will shed its skin outside the chrysalis. On these pictures, you can see some bright colors on this monarch chrysalis. This one has fallen off of a stick that I put in my bug pavilion. If you look close, you can see this pupa's wings. On another chrysalis I have you can even see orange.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

butterflies at the museum

We visited the nature museum yesterday and went into the special butterfly room. The top picture is of a zebra butterfly. We don't know what the other two are.
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monarch caterpillars cocooning

The top picture is a caterpillar fully hardened - it's a chrysalis. The lower picture is a different monarch caterpillar hanging upside down, getting ready to be a hardened chrysalis. I hatched both of these from eggs I found.
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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Painted Lady 2nd Instar

Most of my painted lady caterpillars are on their second instar. This caterpillar (above) is also in its second instar.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

This video and picture are of a painted lady caterpillar at 60x magnification. This is one of the many hatchlings from when my painted lady butterflies laid eggs. I probably have 45 of them. I have them in the same rearing container that my painted lady caterpillars came in.I gave them some thistle leaves. I probably have enough thistle to feed them.