Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Welcome to Jack Nadler's blog. This is about caterpillars and butterflies.


Grampy said...

I am a grandfatherly caterpillar named Limenitis Archippus.
I dream of becoming a handsome Viceroy, with a six pack, but I have not been able to do this because I keep using up all of my energy looking for dark chocolate

Roothy said...

My cat Roothy would very much like to eat your caterpillars. Thank you.

(who is writing from Florida, where there are many beautiful lizards, who would also enjoy eating your caterpillars)

Dan Kahan said...

The photos on your page and in your posts are extremely professional. They help show how cute caterpillars actually are (most people, I think, don't look closely enough to realize that)